Donate to North York Historical Society
Only with your help can North York Historical Society work to discover, disseminate, and preserve historical information, protect heritage sites, and arouse interest in the unique past of North York.
Your donation is greatly appreciated and will help with:
- ongoing work for preservation of historic sites.
- organization of monthly speakers on Heritage topics.
- lobbying for street names that reflect local history.
- gathering archival material for research and study.
- funding for historic plaques marking and commemorating important historic sites, people and events in North York.
Please consider a gift to North York Historical Society today:
- by using this secure online form through CanadaHelps.
- by cheque.
- by Interac e-Transfer to
- by leaving a bequest in your will. Your financial advisor can assist you to make arrangements.
CanadaHelps will automatically email you a copy of your tax receipt.