The North York Historical Society’s Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday December 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.
This will be a virtual meeting, online or by phone, using Zoom.
To the Members of the NYHS,
The Annual General Meeting was postponed this year from June to December in the hope that by now we would be able to meet in person. This was not to be. We now need to hold our AGM to allow the Board members to set up for the next year.
Members will have received by email a document which includes the agenda, some of the committee reports and the minutes from our last AGM. Please read these before the meeting.
The speaker for this AGM will be our friend Rob Leverty, Executive Director of The Ontario Historical Society, presenting “Coming Full Circle: Lessons Learned from the History of Grassroots Heritage Preservation in Ontario.”
Meeting ID: 868 3799 8445
Passcode: 139753
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